Saturday, February 23, 2013

About Me

So, I am finally jumping on board with this blogger madness! I am constantly finding more and more blogs that I absolutely fall in love with.  I have read so many blogs that inspire me on a daily basis, and I have always thought that it would be a great outlet for myself. It is, for sure, more than confusing at first. And, I am by no means a pro at this. So please stick with me and see what happens! 

A bit of info about myself:

I am a third generation Montanan, born and raised in Red Lodge.  After briefly moving away, I found myself back in this wonderful little ski town again. My husband and I are now raising a beautiful daughter in this close-knit, cozy, peaceful place. And I couldn't be happier. 

I am a work-from-home mom, either working at home or bringing Haley, my daughter, into another office with me. I am the luckiest ever. Even though it gets a little hectic at times, being with my little one while working is the best. 

In my spare time there are more than enough things to keep me busy. I am always finding something to change about our home or find fun projects to do with Haley. We bought our home almost four years ago, and I am constantly wanting to change something everyday it seems. I have had many dreams about what I want this house to look like ever since we moved in. We have updated a lot since we have been here, but there is so much left! So, I will be posting all of my projects on here as well as crafts, food and whatever else my heart desires! 

I hope you enjoy! 

With Love, 


Please, feel free to contact me! 


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